Category Archives: Ten Years on the Web – can this really be true?

Ten Years on the Web – can this really be true?

19th May 2018 is the 10th anniversary of my very first blog post. That first blog was called Writing from the Twelfth House. It has been an archive since May 2016, despite which it is still visited surprisingly often – if you choose to drop by, you’ll find an eclectic range of articles, centred round the blog’s broad aim: 

“My site is here to support, encourage, inspire and entertain open-minded people who, like me, are exhilarated and amazed by the beauty and complexity of the worlds we human beings inhabit – and for those writers and readers who share my preoccupation with questions of  mystery, meaning, pattern and purpose.”

Writing from the Twelfth House

Writing from the Twelfth House

As you can see from the above image, very aptly the Moon is rising in the twelfth house, forming a dynamic Grand Cross with the Part of Fortune, Sun, Venus, Nodal axis, Chiron and Neptune. This powerful pattern picks up my Natal MC/IC /Nodes/Sun T-Square. The South Node is conjunct my natal Leo Sun, to the minute. Also, Pluto the 12th house ruler is in the first house at 0 Capricorn, trine Saturn at 2 Virgo in the ninth. Amongst other things, this I think signifies longevity and intense effort!

Talk about being pushed out of my comfort zone to offer something creative and inspiring ( Sag Rising…) from the twelfth house! I had no idea then how much would flow from that moment, how much writing I’d be doing, how many brilliant connections I’d be making…or what heartwarming feedback I’d be receiving.

By way of commemoration, and celebration, here is that very first post. It’s offered with a heartfelt thanks to all my readers, past and present. I’m sure you’ll notice, as I did on re-reading, how very apt the quote is for a blog called  Writing from the Twelfth House!

‘….I have a running joke with friends that I will then begin broadcasting to the world/three people in Outer Mongolia, as the case may be. If you are one of the Outer Mongolian Three I would love to hear from you in due course!

Since my aim is to inspire, how about this quote which I came across today in my reading hour:

“….in this journey of the spirit, I and others still walk that steep uphill road….And all our religious edifices, which serve first as staffs to help us on our way, in the end become crutches which we must discard….And the doctrines which we espouse and which we hold dear are only smooth shining stones which we pick up on the road and place in our baggage. With each new dogma and doctrine, the baggage grows heavier, until we discard these pebbles, one by one, leaving them on the roadside for others to find and carry a little further. And in the end we have need of neither doctrine nor creed, nor to name that which we worship – for it is beyond all image and words….” (i)



(i) Women in Search of the Sacred by Anne Bancroft (Penguin Arkana 1996) pp 120-121…’



500 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2018

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page of Writing from the Twelfth House