Category Archives: Moon’s Nodes Uranus and Pluto: mayhem and turmoil

The Moon’s Nodes, Pluto, Fate and the UK’s Brexit….

I have been having an interesting exchange on Facebook today, having Shared this link, a Brexit post-mortem in which, in an open memo to the outgoing British Prime Minister David Cameron, former Canadian High Commissioner to the UK, Jeremy Kinsman, describes in detail just how badly the Remain campaign failed. My introductory comment was “This does not miss, at all!”

The link and my comment elicited quite a few interesting and well-informed responses. Astrologer Tony Dickey , ably illustrating the old cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words, had this to say in reply: Neither does this”. The picture below, in astrological terms, posted by Tony, certainly says it all:

(click image to enlarge) 

David Cameron the UK, the Nodes - and Pluto

David Cameron, the UK, the Nodes – and Pluto

My response to the above bi-wheel chart, in which David Cameron’s horoscope at the centre is overlaid with the Brexit announcement’s chart on the outer rim, was as follows: “Thanks very much for this, Tony. The Moon’s Nodes/Pluto double link both by transit and natally, confirms the key result of my research into the Moon’s Nodes ie that the most fated time in anyone’s life is brought by the Moon’s Nodes/Pluto combination.” To which astrologer Cindy Chapelle replied: “Interesting, Anne, Have you read Jeffrey Wolf Green’s work on Pluto and the Nodes?”

I replied thus: “Yes, a very long time ago. What I did was test out the Nodal theories (ie  re the Moon’s Nodes) of various people in the actual realities of people’s everyday lives. You can download the research free from my blogs, or via where ‘The Moon’s Nodes in Action’ was featured last year.”

The above exchange, coming as it does just as I was planning to post a series on the conclusions of my Moon’s Nodes research on this blog, has prompted me to offer a taster, which is highly relevant to the symbolic interplay between David Cameron’s horoscope, the Brexit announcement, and the position of the North Node at this fated moment both in David Cameron’s life and the life of the UK. Here it is, edited from pp 156 and 157:

The Moon's Nodes in Action

The Moon’s Nodes in Action

“…My research has confirmed both the traditional view of the Nodes’ connection with birth, death and rebirth, and my own impressions gained over many years’ practice…

…It appears that some lives are more touched by the hand of Fate than others. It seems that strong outer planet links, especially Pluto’s conjunctions or squares to the natal Nodal axis, and strong prevailing major patterns eg Uranus conjunct Pluto opposite Saturn conjunct Chiron linked to the Nodes, bring some people a more challenging and Fate-directed life than others. Mary Shelley’s chart is a very good example of this, with Uranus, dispositor of Pluto conjunct MC, conjunct her Sun and square her Nodal axis.

I have distinguished between minor and major Nodal activity in transits and progressions, and demonstrated that the major effect is what appears to be present when turning points occur. This would suggest that in contemplating the unfolding picture of a person’s life, the combination of Nodal activity with the foreground presence of outer planets, especially Pluto, points out that something really special is going on and should be carefully noted….

…it is important to pay particular attention to that person’s natal Nodal pattern and the current Nodal/eclipse picture. The client is then likely to be bringing matters of a life-changing nature to us for discussion, which offers us roles both as observers and midwives; human agents in the here-and-now of those mysterious ‘watchers by the threshold‘ whose numinous presence in our lives is symbolically represented by the  Moon’s Nodes in Action…”

The most cursory of glances at Cameron’s chart at the time of the Brexit announcement vividly illustrates the validity of those conclusions, from a study conducted in the 1990s (when Cameron would not have been long out of university). There are multiple Pluto/Moon’s Node links, both natally and by transit.

It is also worth noting, chillingly, that a prominent, often angular Jupiter has been identified in the horoscopes of many Nazi leaders – it is also rising, conjunct Mars, in Tony Blair’s chart. Transiting Jupiter in the Brexit/Cameron biwheel is rising in the Twelfth House, conjunct the transiting North Node which itself is conjunct Cameron’s natal Pluto/Uranus.

This Jupiterian significator has been associated with prominent people, often ideologues, who are not only convinced (often against the advice of better informed and more pragmatic people) of their own rightness – but who are also prone to pushing their luck and thinking that they can get away with it.

The ancient Greeks had a word for this: hubris, the giving of god-like attributes to oneself. This usually led to a fall from great heights. Perhaps Mr Cameron should have read the myth of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, and thought twice about calling that referendum which has split our country apart…


800 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016
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