Monthly Archives: April 2015

Questions and answers, astrology style!

I have done quite a number of interviews over the years, both in magazines, newspapers, and more recently on the Web. To entertain you on my return from a refreshing sabbatical from blogging, spent partly sitting staring into space, and partly travelling, here are a few of my favourite interview questions and answers…

Mumbo interviews Jumbo...

Mumbo interviews Jumbo…

What transit always shows up for you in surprising ways?

They all do, especially the long-lasting ones. The deep challenges that force our growth lurk in the realms of the unconscious, just waiting to hitch a ride on the nearest really tough transit. For example, I didn’t think that ten years of Neptune transits was going to involve an enforced descent into the Underworld for most of that period! However, the good news is that I emerged, much improved (unless you ask my husband….!)

What is your funniest transit or retrograde experience?

There are several, not all of which can be aired publicly! The one which comes immediately to mind is the occasion, in March 1985, when Saturn turned retrograde on my 28 Scorpio IC. In the middle of lunch with an old friend who at that time was a bank manager, without warning, I passed out. Just then, a friend of his, who was also a bank manager, was passing by the restaurant window. I came round and insisted on going home – very groggily, with a bank manager holding me up by each arm. Very Saturn in Scorpio, don’t you think?!

Would you rather be ruled by Uranus or Jupiter? Why?

What a question! Both those planets are strong in my horoscope, Uranus in the tenth house leading an eastern bowl shape, with Jupiter in the third closing the bowl, and the two in bi-quintile aspect. My Ascendant is also on the Jupiter/Uranus midpoint. However, if forced to choose I would go for Jupiter, provided the aspects weren’t too difficult. My reasons are probably dictated by the stage I’ve got to in life: that disruptive, eccentric, unpredictable, stubborn individualism characteristic of a Uranus-ruled life feels too tiring to contemplate now!

Jupiter’s boundless energy and optimism, ability to inspire others and be inspired by the more positive dimensions of  life, and willingness to be open to a sense of meaningful connectedness to that which is greater than oneself, are especially attractive to me at this point.

What advice would you give to someone learning how to read their own chart?

One, there are dozens of ways of evading personal responsibility – resolve at the outset never to do so by blaming your horoscope or your transits for your difficulties in life.

Two, realise that objectivity is something to be aspired to, which can never be achieved by mere human beings. This being the case, try to recognise that you can be most objective and therefore most helpful by reading the horoscopes of strangers, provided you have appropriate training and supervision. When approaching your own horoscope, or those of your loved ones, you will inevitably colour the planetary picture before you with your own hopes and fears.

Three, the illuminating light which is gradually cast as your understanding of  the symbols in your chart grows, will be wonderfully helpful in shedding light on your gifts, pains, motivations and aspirations. But bear in mind that possessing astrological knowledge has a shadow side – for example, I have never known anyone including myself who didn’t look at upcoming transits, especially of Saturn and Pluto, without a certain amount of fear.

To help my astrology students with this, I point out that 99.9% of the human race from the beginning of time has managed to stagger through life without the aid of astrology! So – enjoy the fascination of  deciphering the astrological map of your life. But don’t get too precious about it – and be aware that this wonderful knowledge has a double edge….




650 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2015

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Steven Forrest writes on the Uranus/Pluto square

Here is master astrologer Steven Forrest’s in-depth ‘take’ on the Uranus/Pluto squares: on March 16, 2015 Uranus and Pluto formed a square aspect in the signs Aries and Capricorn.”…  the final exact square in the long series of seven, which began on June 24, 2012…”

Moving forward today: Jupiter in Leo, master of creative excess!

Jupiter has now gone direct in Leo. I hope to write a longer post about this ere long, but personally the last couple of days have been typical of the power of a planetary station, in this case prior to the planet in question turning direct. 

e-publication by co-occurrence

e-publication by co-occurrence

Jupiter natally falls in my Third house; events have clearly expressed this Mercury/Jupiter vibe! I’ve had book proofs (for The Moon’s Nodes in Action) and a 12500 word politics essay land on my desk for me to read through, complete with short deadlines. On the same day I had a computer meltdown around the issue of accessing wifi and 3G connectivity in my new office. Today, there was  a very creative meeting with a new colleague who I hope will be a research subject in my next book project…..I suspect he has Jupiter strongly marked in his horoscope!

Jupiter is always the planet of excess both positive and negative. I feel oppressed by literary demands! But I’m optimistically sure it will all turn out just fine…

Now, tell me, how was it for you folks out there?

(NOTE: I will let my readers know when the download of  The Moon’s Nodes in Action’, elegantly rendered as an e-book by co-occurrence, is available…likely by the end of April 2015… if you want to pre-order a copy, just send your email address to me, at




250 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2015

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page