Monthly Archives: January 2015

Can astrology define whole generations? Yes it can, says Guest Blogger Ellis Nelson…

Ellis and I ‘met’ via our blogs last year. Since then we have reviewed each other’s books, shared a range of esoteric interests, commented on one another’s blogs and even Liked various items of personal and intellectual interest on Facebook. I have been happy to observe Ellis’ growing interest in astrological symbolism, and I’m really pleased to be able to re-blog this astute and insightful post on the astrological generations. Since the beginning of my astrological studies, teaching, and practice I have been utterly fascinated by the way in which planetary symbolism plays out not only in our individual, but also our collective lives. “As above, so below” as the ancient maxim states.

As Ellis rightly observes, the outer planets including Pluto take so long to traverse a given astrological sign that they symbolically define generations rather than individuals. However, when those generational planets connect with the personal planets in your or my horoscope, the collective becomes very personal!

For example, you will read Ellis’ summary of the key characteristics of Sagittarian energy as manifested by the group of young folk born whilst Pluto traversed that sign from 1995-2008...” Sagittarius rules religion, philosophy, long distance travel, and foreign countries. This generation should have a keen interest in these areas …” For those members of that generation with Pluto in Sagittarius triggering off personal planets, ie the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars in their personal horoscopes or birth charts, the collective becomes very personal indeed, and those young folk become particular exemplars and exponents of Sagittarian energy in action!

Enjoy this post…and do share your own thoughts with us. We’d be especially interested to hear from those of you with young folk born between 1995 and 2008.


Pluto with satellites Pluto with satellites

Recently I watched an episode on Gaiam TV where Regina Meredith was interviewing an astrologer. I’ve been interested in astrology off and on since I was a teenager, but over the past year or so that interest has become more intense and I watch quite a few YOUTUBE astrologers as they explain what’s going on in a given month. It is fascinating and personal.


What resonated with this interview concerned the movement of Pluto and how these long transits (248 years to circle the zodiac) influence generations. With Pluto in a given sign anywhere from 11 to 32 years, it defines a whole generation. In a way, this is the opposite of personal because I share influences with everyone in my age group. As a writer for young people, this idea intrigues me. It especially drew me in as the astrologer talked about my adult children’s group…

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2015’s first Guest Post: from Emerging Pattern…” Fear – Saturn transiting Sagittarius”

Emerging Pattern writes eloquent, thoughtful posts which truly put flesh on the bones of astrological symbolism. Here, she writes about the changes in her life wrought by the recent shift of Saturn into Sagittarius. Saturn has recently crossed my 29 Scorpio IC ( EP and I share an IC/Mercury link! ) – beginning a long transit through my 4th House: I am busy re-structuring my working life by moving my astrology, counselling and teaching practice into a lovely new office, right next to a favourite local park. So – I’ve been too busy these first weeks of 2015 to post on this blog. I am more than happy to share a fellow astrology blogger’s insights in the meantime. Enjoy this post – and have a trawl round some of the other perceptive astrology posts on Emerging Pattern’s blog. I’ll be back soon!

Anne W's new office

Anne W’s new office