Category Archives: Uncategorized (35 articles)

Jupiter enters Sagittarius, a new cycle begins…

Just published on,


Feeling restless, dissatisfied, antsy, looking for a new goal, ready for a new adventure? If so, it could be that you are beginning an 11/12 year phase which kicked off the last time Jupiter was in Sagittarius from November 2006 to December 2007. If you are around 23/4 years old, or 35/6, or 47/8, or 59/60, or 71/2, or 83/4 – it’s you I am talking about. You were born with Jupiter in Sagittarius, Jupiter is back in that fiery, restless, optimistic sign this November 2018 – and you need a big new challenge!




To read the rest of this article, click HERE





100 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2018

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page of Writing from the Twelfth House





It’s New Moon tomorrow: we’re still in the Dark Moon…

Today I had a most interesting encounter with a 37 year old client in the last year of the Moondark phase of her Progressed New Moon which began nearly thirty years ago when she was nine years old. She and her family relocated then. A year from now, with her Progressed New Moon in Sagittarius, it is likely that she will relocate again.

Being able to place the unfolding pattern of her life in this cyclic context felt supportive and comforting to my client…’…To every thing there is a season...’, as the old biblical saying goes. The encounter has inspired me to share a post from my archives, not only talking about our monthly Moondark, where we are now, but also that powerfully descriptive symbolic cycle of the Progressed New Moon.


The web is full of articles about the upcoming  New Moon. New Moons always attract our attention, which indeed they merit. However – the Balsamic lunar phase, where we are now, does not attract nearly as much upfront focus. It should, in my view…and I am not alone here!

The Sun/Moon Month

The Sun/Moon Month

That fine, poetic astrological writer Dana Gerhardt has this to say: ‘As the final phase in the lunation cycle, the Balsamic Moon is the monthly “sleep time”. During the three to four days of this phase, vitality and spirit are replenished, fueling your start at the next New Moon….if you could observe just one Moon phase per cycle, this should be the one… ‘ (my emphasis)

Our increasingly frenetic 24/7 culture, revved up in recent years as it has been by the arrival and increasing dominance of social media, does not encourage us to build a few days of rest and recovery into each month. Can you imagine the average boss’s reaction to the statement “I’m having retreat time now. It’s Moondark. Bye!!”  And yet: we all know what happens if we run ourselves too hard without adequate rest, for too long. For some of us – and I speak from hard personal experience here, folks! – the price can be very high.

So – what is this Balsamic lunar phase, and what is Moondark? Why should we pay it attention? As can be seen from the above image, there are eight key phases in the monthly lunar cycle, flowing from the New to the Balsamic Moon. A good summary of each and what they mean can be found HERE.

The Balsamic lunar phase begins with the waning Sun/Moon semi-square. The Moon is a slim Crescent, forty-five degrees behind the Sun –  that beautiful, fragile, slender waning crescent moon which we may see each month if the skies are clear. Then it disappears. We are in Moondark now, the latter part of the Balsamic phase, the last couple of days of the dying energy of the previous month’s New Moon.

waning crescent Moon

waning crescent Moon

My aim in this short post is to give you a flavour of three key facets pertaining to the Balsamic phase, and Moondark in particular. Hopefully that will stimulate you enough to do your own reflection/research. Those facets are:  the Balsamic phase of each monthly lunar cycle throughout the year; those people born on the Balsamic Moon; and the thirty-year progressed Sun/Moon cycle, where the final, Balsamic phase lasts 3-4 years.

The Monthly cycle – Balsamic phase

Having been born in the Balsamic phase, in Moondark just before a Leo New Moon, I have long been aware of the few days before any New Moon as a special time, a contemplative time: a time to take stock both collectively and personally. Those of us who wish and need to retreat regularly to preserve our balance and well-being tend to be regarded as odd by mainstream society, where ‘time out’ is increasingly hard to find, and is not supported by the culture as a whole.

But humans have always benefited from times of quiet contemplation, in whatever way suits them best: listening to music, doing yoga/meditation, praying to whatever Higher Power sustains them, making or contemplating art, walking in Nature –especially by the sea, that great universal symbol of dissolution and emergence.

Even half an hour a day of retreat time on a regular basis is nourishing for the spirit. In ancient times, women used to retreat together monthly during menstruation time which was seen as a period of potency, and hidden power – a liminal time to link through dreams and ritual to worlds unseen.

It would be good if individually we could get into the habit of using the Balsamic moon time to find some retreat space in whatever way suited us. I certainly find myself feeling more ‘scratchy’ and irritable than usual during Balsamic times, if Life demands that I put myself under more pressure than my spirit wants or needs. It would be interesting to know if other folk feel like this too, at the end of the lunar cycle, before New Moon energy comes in and takes form.

Born on the Balsamic Moon

I have found both from my own life and the lives of clients and students with whom I have worked over the years, that being born in the Balsamic moon phase, and especially during Moondark, the very end of the old cycle, brings with it a contemplative nature, an ‘inner’ orientation, a need to give oneself more space and retreat than most people seem to need. Whilst doing some reading around this topic today, I found this quote which certainly spoke to me, and which may speak to some of you who were born in the Balsamic phase:

‘…This time is essentially one of transition, a chance to contemplate what has passed, tie up loose ends, journey inwards, and prepare for new beginnings ahead.  You have inherited the meditative and introspective characteristics of this phase and yours is a dreamy, contemplative personality. Intuitive and far-sighted, you have innate wisdom and a mystical understanding of the workings of Mother Nature and of the human condition.  For you, activity is spiritual and intellectual rather than physical.  Your experiences involve endings and passings, so you are likely to live through many changes.  Later life, rather than the earlier years, holds the key to your happiness and success...’

TransAngeles – thanks for this sensitive and perceptive comment!

The 30-year Progressed Sun/Moon cycle

I use this cycle as a very helpful guide to the stage of their life phase clients are in when they come for a consultation. When a cycle is coming to an end, when the 3-4 year Balsamic period of life is upon us, then the wisest course to take is that of stepping back, turning inwards, taking stock…and waiting – until the Progressed New Moon arrives, and forward motion, the gradual taking shape of a new life phase, gradually begins. Just as farmers do not plant new crops in winter, so we are wise not to begin a new project during the Balsamic moon phase or its end phase, Moondark.

Here is Dana Gerhardt again, with her words of wisdom:

“When will it end?” is everybody’s first question on learning they’ve entered a progressed Balsamic phase. No matter how colorfully I paint its virtues, they peer beyond to a bleaker landscape, to a three-to-four-year sentence of all loss and no gain. I can see it in their eyes…. I tell them this is the richest spiritual time. I tell them when my own progressed Balsamic phase was over, I had nostalgia for it. I cheer: “You will too!” But it’s a tough sell….”

I would certainly endorse this from my own experience of beginning a new journey when I was approaching the end of a whole 30-year cycle. The result was a long period of enforced retreat until the Progressed New Moon told me it was time to emerge and begin again. It was an enriching and deepening time. But very tough whilst it was happening. I should have taken astrology’s advice, not that of my own ego!

There is a great deal more to be said about this fascinating and important life phase which lies behind the New Moon. I do hope this short post piques your interest sufficiently to devote more attention to it in future!


Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page of Writing from the Twelfth House

1450 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017

Moon’s Nodes, Midsummer, and Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein”…

I have noticed over the years that having natal horoscope planets, Angles or Nodes around 0-5 degrees of Cancer (Midsummer), Libra (Autumn Equinox) Capricorn (Midwinter) or Aries (Spring Equinox) tends to bring significant inner or outer events into the lives of clients, students, friends and family at those key times of the year. It certainly happens with me, with Mars at 1.5 Cancer in the tenth house of vocation/career.

It happened big time with Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, whose Asc was 2 degrees Cancer, square her Mercury at the end of Virgo. Scroll back exactly two hundred and one years to Midsummer 1816, when Mary was still only 18 years old, and experiencing her first Nodal Return. Resident with husband Percy Shelley, the charismatic, amoral and scandalous Lord Byron and various friends and family members, at the Villa Diodati on Lake Geneva, during a stormy night Byron challenged them all to write a ghost story…the rest, as they say, is history.

Mary went to bed that night and dreamed Frankenstein…

Inspired by Mary Shelley’s life, her Moon’s Nodes, and her authorship of Frankenstein, I wrote an article to commemorate the two hundredth anniversary of that event for The Mountain Astrologer which they published last June. Here it is. I hope you enjoy this Midsummer tale!

Dreaming ‘Frankenstein’

250 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Jupiter /Uranus? Surprising extravagance? Surely not!

There I was yesterday evening, catching up on emails. Suddenly, for no good reason that I could later discern, I took a notion to type ‘astrology business cards’ into Google. After all, my business cards have been mildly out-of date for quite some time. Several sites came up. The one three down from the top sounded professional – I didn’t fancy anything bedecked with crystal balls or similar woo-woo – so on I clicked.

There it was – irresistible to both my aesthetic sense and my multiple Leo planets (all in the Twelfth House: I am NOT Mick Jagger…).  A beautiful, aesthetically pleasing, Lion-rampant card, set against the deep blue background of the starry heavens. ‘That’s the one!” I thought, setting to work to customise and order it.

The process took no time at all. I could not believe how straightforward it was. My 250 cards cost me $58. I knew the shipping from USA was going to be quite pricey. However, I almost fell off my chair when I saw HOW pricey the total bill was, including shipping: $192!!!!  

My initial reaction was “No, Anne, that’s quite ridiculous. Forget it.” But – I just loved those cards. I was born under a dominant Jupiter/Saturn square. I do not like wasting money. There followed a big Jupiter/Saturn wrestle. (I did not know until later what the planets were doing – that chart comes up shortly – but Saturn did not on this occasion stand a chance… )

“What the hell!” I said to myself, the inner wrestling match decided, “I have the money and I love those cards!” – and pressed the PAY button.

My husband’s reaction was incredulity.”You paid WHAT?” (However he, too, loved those cards.Good taste, those Aquarian men…)  It must be hell being married to an astrologer, even if you aren’t one yourself. There is never any escape. “What pIanet rules excess and extravagance?” I asked him. Quick as a flash – “Jupiter?” he replied. I whipped out my smartphone and put up a chart for the button-pressing moment about five minutes earlier. Here it is:

Leo Cards Purchase

Leo Cards Purchase (click on image to enlarge)

Truly, you could hardly have customised a more apt moment for this whole event. Jupiter Rising in Libra (which rules the colour blue) opposite Mars/Uranus turbo-charging rash Aries, trine and sextile a Tenth House Leo Moon with MC just moved into Leo. Retrograde Venus in Aries in the 6th House trine 10th House Leo Moon probably tallies with my return to the replacing of my business cards, something I have been needing to do for a while. Clearly, the moment was ripe…

Adding my chart to the moment’s chart is even more graphic and apt:

Anne W:Leo Cards

Anne W [inner wheel}/Leo Cards Purchase (click on image to enlarge)

Jupiter rising opposite Mars/Uranus falls across my Second/Eighth House money axis, sextile and trine my natal Leo stellium and the Leo Moon of the moment’s horoscope. The moment’s MC falls in my Eleventh House, denoting the business company providing the cards, and the outreach for which the cards are intended. The moment’s Part of Fortune ( not shown in the above bi-wheel) falls at 25 Taurus, conjunct my MC/North Node, in the Ninth House of which foreign connections and PR are two branches.

There are many other relevant connections, which I shall leave for my readers to comment on if they see them!

My horoscope pondering was interrupted by my husband’s question: “When you chose your Delivery option, you didn’t by any chance select Express?” Light dawned in my by now rather frazzled brain. I remembered the option had been set at Express delivery. I hadn’t changed it. “What a twit!” quoth the Aquarian.

Now, I have gone a long way in life by taking the view, ALWAYS, that I have a right to ask for anything in a civil manner, and the other party has an equal right to refuse (in similar vein, hopefully).

I looked at the Cards Purchase chart, thought “Some kind and magnanimous lady in that business company looks predisposed to be kind to me”, and dashed off an extremely nice email, explaining what I’d done, claiming full responsibility, and asking if my shipping option could be changed from Express to the ordinary version. I also complimented them on their lovely cards, and on the ease with which the whole process had been accomplished.

Then I went to bed.

The next morning, I found an email from a charming lady called Tiffany from the business card company to inform me that they had indeed changed my shipping option – and refunded $80 dollars. So, folks, if you’d like some really lovely astrology business cards, click on the ‘Leo Card’ caption below the blue card JPEG, and you can go straight to the very place where I found mine.

I’d like to dedicate this post in advance to World Astrology Day on 20th March 2017. Last year, I published a post on this site for World Astrology Day called Six things I love about astrology.  The story I have just told you, which I hope you will enjoy, especially the laugh at my expense ( literally!), illustrates very clearly for me why astrology never ceases to astonish, affirm and delight. No matter what happens, astrology’s symbols are always there, ready to comment.

We only have to ask…




900 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page


Ask an astrologer a question

Astrologers are always being asked questions. By open-minded members of the public. By closed-minded-members of the public. By one’s friends and family. By clients. By students. By interviewers for various media outlets. I set up this blog in June 2013 ( can it REALLY be that long ago?! ) and thought it might be a good idea – whilst I am recovering from having been flattened by truly the worst flu I can ever remember – to repost the very first post, slightly edited and updated to reflect contemporary events.

Here is the very first question:

Would it be fair, then, to say that astrology is descriptive rather than predictive? It occurs to me that much of the fascination with newspaper ‘astrology’ columns is related to their use as fortune-telling!

……from Linda Leinen, USA…….and my favourite blogger at the wonderful The Task At Hand.


It’s fair to say that astrology is both descriptive and predictive. There are many facets to this statement. However, just a few examples should throw at least some light on Linda’s interesting question.


 A properly drawn up horoscope using your date, place, and time of birth can allow me to provide you with a clear description of the characters who are acting out the play of your particular life, to use a familiar but useful analogy.The Sun represents only one character, thereby revealing right away how limited popular Sun Sign astrology is. The other characters are represented by the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto (recently demoted by astronomers, but remaining very potent symbolically!).

The astronomical relationships between the nine planets plus the moon, when drawn onto the horoscope (see picture below – click on the image to enlarge) show the conversations, debates, disagreements and compromises happening between the major characters on your life’s stage.


Donald J Trump

Their action takes place against the backdrop of the twelve Houses of the horoscope, each representing a particular sphere of life. Then I have to take the Ascendant (how you appear to the world) the Midheaven (speaking of vocation/life direction) and several other factors including Chiron (where both wounding and healing take place)) into account. In addition, I need to consider and feed back what the interactions between all those factors are.

Reading a horoscope effectively needs both an experienced, self aware, sensitive astrologer and a client who truly wishes to reflect on their gifts, pains, preoccupations, fears, motivations etc in an honest and open way. A horoscope can be seen as the static drawing of a pattern of living energy ie a human being.

Thus, as an astrologer, I am working with explaining and discussing a number of different levels of manifestation which can and do arise from each symbol. Your birth horoscope is determined by your date, place and time of birth – factors over which we apparently have no control. This can be seen as the fated dimension. But what you do with those energies depends, to a considerable degree, on the levels of self awareness you bring to the choices you make as life unfolds. Therein free will probably lies….

However – you really have to experience a quality astrology reading fully to understand its power and value.


Yes, any competent astrologer can predict very accurately when planetary influences from the unfolding energies through time and space, both in the present and in the future, are going to engage with the energy patterns which can be read from a birth horoscope. S/he can also plot out with complete accuracy how long this engagement is going to last; anything from a few days to several years.

But one can only speculate about the level of manifestation of those energies….

 A simplified example: Venus in your natal horoscope represents relationship(s). The planet Uranus represents the urge to break down old patterns and is unpredictable, disruptive in its impact. If this planet is going to be exactly engaging with your natal Venus, eg for the whole of 2017, then I think you can work out without me telling you that this will not be the most peaceful uneventful year in your relationship life!

I can in this way predict the core of Uranus’ (or any planet’s) impact on any part of a client’s horoscope.Working out what the branches of manifestation arising from that core might be, however, is not something which can be done exactly. Of a few guesses, one might be accurate.

Then there is the danger to the client that if I choose a specific branch which I think might manifest, this could well collapse a whole range of possible outcomes into one only. In this way, I as the astrologer may be helping self-fulfilling prophecy along the way.

Personally, I think it is sufficient to describe the core manifestation of a planet’s impact, and work with the person regarding what they will do with this information.

A concluding observation on prediction. It is an inexact pursuit for all who attempt it, from economists through weather forecasters through astrologers.

The latter failed to spot that World War Two was about to break out, for example, although there are many examples of astrologers delivering exactly the right level at which energies would manifest (ask google about this, especially the famous prediction about the death of Henry the Second of France….).

Also, in the recent USA election, astrologers’ predictions regarding whether Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump would become president, were both right AND wrong. Most predicted that Mrs Clinton would win, and were correct since she won the popular vote by around 3 million votes. However, Trump got the Presidency – because he won via the Electoral College system by which Americans elect their president.

Science teaches us that we live in a universe which conducts a great dance between order and chaos, where probability and indeterminacy, not exactitude, are the order of the day. I like that!

There is a great deal more that can be said. But I hope this is sufficient to give my readers a thought-provoking introduction – and to stimulate more astrological questions on any aspect of astrology.




1000 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2013/2017
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Scorpio’s Season: a meditation on darkness, power and poetry ….

 What better glass, darkly, through which to view life’s fleeting nature, its fathomless depths, than that of the sign of Scorpio?

Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio New Moon

Now is Scorpio’s season

The thirty degree band of the sky as viewed from Earth, occupying from 240 to 270 degrees of the 360 degree zodiac, is the sector called Scorpio, the beginning of the final quarter of the zodiacal year. The Sun, our marker for the unfolding of the year and the changing of the seasons, entered Scorpio this year on the 22nd October, and leaves it for Sagittarius on the 21st November – heading for Capricorn and the winter Solstice on 21st December: the Sun’s most remote point for us in the North.

The astronomy leads us to the symbolic meaning of Scorpio. It is the time of late autumn: in this season the clocks go back, making darkness come earlier. It is the time of grass dying off, trees being stripped bare of leaves, a time of retreat: warmer clothes, more heating, putting things off, often, “….until the New Year”. Energy is lower. Winter flu scythes away many of our old folk. In Greek myth, the goddess Demeter goes into mourning for her beloved daughter Persephone, abducted to his Underworld realm by Hades, king of darkness. The Upper world mourns with her.

A Scorpio poet’s view

However – descent into darkness harbours its own deep, creative purpose. The Scottish poet Christopher Whyte, born with several planets in Scorpio, expresses that purpose with profound eloquence in this extract from his poem Rex Tenebrarum (King of Darkness), an English translation by the poet himself of a poem written in Scottish Gaelic:

……How heavy the earth is above the seed

that struggles and thrusts, looking for nourishment

from the sun, and showers to freshen it!

But if it wasn’t rooted in the darkness,

in a warm, enclosed place filled with worms,

it could do nothing with air or light…..

King of the darkness, king of the world,

when I saw two faces in the mirror

superimposed, made one, I understood

that you have to be reconciled.

Unless the sapling knows

where its roots are sunk, and the whole

plant admits that life

and nourishment come from darkness;

unless it has unequivocal

love for what bore and raised it

how can there be a rich

summer flowering for our hopes? “

The astrological writer Paul Wright reveals in his fine, acclaimed book  The Literary Zodiac, the way in which “writers express cosmic patterns in their creative work….”In the above extract Christopher Whyte’s deep roots in the sign of Scorpio have enabled him powerfully and accurately to capture and express the essence of that sector’s meaning and challenge to us.

All powerfully charged dimensions of life belong to Scorpio: that stage of the human journey challenges us with those facets of life which most powerfully compel us, attract us, repel us, scare us – and transform us.

Another poet very strongly rooted in the sign of  Scorpio, Dylan Thomas, talks about ‘deaths and entrances’.  Thomas was born, fittingly, in Scorpio’s season: on the 27th October 1914, the year of the start of the Great War.

If we can face and grapple with our deepest attractions, compulsions, power drives, fears and repulsions, then we can experience – through staying with the struggle, seeking support where we can, having faith in the transformative dimensions of life – the symbolic death of aspects of the ‘old order’ holding us back from entry into a more complete and authentic expression of who it is we actually are.


What does this New Moon, ushering in Scorpio’s season, mean to you? Do share your thoughts and feelings!


Christopher Whyte 2011

Christopher Whyte

Christopher Whyte has translated Rilke, Tsvetaeva and Pasolini into English. He published four novels between 1995 and 2000 and his fifth poetry collection, in Scottish Gaelic, appeared in 2013. His translation of the work of the Russian poet Marina Tsvetaeva (1892-1941) “Moscow in the Plague Year” was published in 2014 (New York, Archipelago Press 2014). He lives in Budapest, Hungary and writes full-time.



700 words copyright Anne Whitaker/Christopher Whyte 2016
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Introducing the Moon’s Nodes

For many years I had a Moon’s Nodes obsession: perhaps not unconnected with the North Node exactly conjunct my Midheaven at 29 degrees Taurus, square a Twelfth House Sun/Moon conjunction……I read somewhere in my very early years of studying astrology that the South Node conjunct a Scorpio IC indicated having been burned as a witch in a previous life. This piece of conjecture gave my MC/IC axis a kind of dark, scary glamour.

Scorpio New Moon

Scorpio…dark, scary, glamorous…

However, I burned out that obsession during 1997-8 whilst completing the third and final year of  my Diploma in Psychological Astrology at the Centre for Psychological Astrology in London, where I had the good fortune to study withDr Liz Greene and the late, great mundane astrologer, Charles Harvey.  How did I do this? By writing a 50,000 word research study called “The Moon’s Nodes in Action”. After that, I’d had enough of the Moon’s Nodes.

A big part of my obsession that year concerned the links I found between the horoscopes of Mary Shelley, author of ‘Frankenstein’, and that of Dolly the Sheep, the first cloned mammal, created in their research laboratory  by Dr Ian Wilmut and his team in the Roslyn Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland and announced to the world in February 1997.

I take strange pride in being probably the first person to have written a detailed synastry between a dead human and a live sheep! Never a class went by for that whole year without Dolly and Mary Shelley being mentioned. By the end of the year, and the completion of the research study, my students had taken either to giving me presents of pens, etc, with pictures of sheep on them, or to crossing the street when they saw me approaching! ( I exaggerate, but only slightly….)

In this series of posts, I am confining myself to presenting conclusions based on my original research study, which can be downloaded free from this blog should anyone wish to read it in full.

I am thus assuming at least a beginner’s familiarity with the astronomical and symbolic significance of the Moon’s Nodal axis, and its 18.6 year retrograde cycle through the Zodiac with the accompanying twice-yearly eclipse seasons.

For readers who need to be brought up to speed regarding the basics, check outWikipedia on The Lunar Nodes for the astronomy, and Cafe Astrology for a typical explanation of the Nodes’ symbolic meanings.

Before setting out my conclusions, it might be useful in context-setting to offer a  brief description of the content of the 50,000 word research study upon which these findings are based:

1) Preface, in which I outlined my personal reasons for becoming fascinated by the Nodal axis and bringing it increasingly into my teaching. 2) Introduction, in which I set out my reasons for embarking on the research. 3) Chapter One:Astronomy and Symbolism of the Nodes. 4) Chapter Two: Case Study One: Mary Shelley, ‘Frankenstein’ and a sheep called Dolly. 5) Chapter Three: Case Study Two: ‘Marc’ (age 51) : a life through the Nodal Lens. 6) Chapter Four: Case Study Three: Four “Nodal Moments” – key turning points analysed in the lives of two men and two women, two famous (Princess Diana and astronaut John Glenn) and two unknown, Anna (age 44) and Andrew (age 34). 7) Conclusions. Finally…. Bibliography, References and Notes, Charts used and their provenance.

Nodal Axis

My main research questions were these: How significant is the Nodal axis? Are astrologers missing something really important by not delineating it in their readings, both natally and in terms of its transiting cycle? Does it say something specific? Or does it act as a reinforcer for information about a person’s life pattern which can be derived from other chart factors?

To Be Continued!


To gain the most from the Moon’s Nodes series, please do read  Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , and Part 5 


You are most welcome to download the full research study from which my conclusions are taken: it was FREE for several years, but I am now charging a small fee of $7. The simplest way to get it is to send the money to my PayPal account:

PayPal will notify me and I will send you the e book within 24 hours.


The Moon's Nodes in Action



600 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page of Writing from the Twelfth House


Does astrology wound as well as heal?

More from my back catalogue whilst I am away – again!!

This is a topic I don’t see addressed much in astrological circles. What are YOUR thoughts?

Astrology: Questions and Answers

Wounding, healing and the art of astrology

It is important at this point to emphasise to readers who are familiar only with Sun Signs that to get ‘beyond the Sun Signs’ requires an individual’s horoscope to be drawn up for the date, place AND time of birth. Human beings are complex and contradictory. It’s not possible to approach any satisfying symbolic exploration of that complexity through the Sun or Star Sign alone.

Astrology itself neither heals nor wounds. Having  arisen aeons ago from attempts to create a meaningful context to human life through observation of the physical movements of the planets in the heavens, whether such a framework is experienced as wounding or healing is heavily predicated upon the attitude of the individuals who choose to use it:

“The fault, dear Brutus, is  not  in our stars,
But in ourselves, that  we are underlings.”

(W.Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 1, Scene…

View original post 838 more words

Talking about Renaissance Astrology…

Here is an interesting recent programme from BBC Radio 4’s wonderful “In Our Time” series which has been hosted forever ( it seems!) by Melvyn Bragg, a Renaissance Man of our time if ever there was one. It’s not often you get the BBC talking about astrology, so check this one out! And do let me know what you think of it…

Astrologers at Work

Astrologers at Work

Melvynn Bragg on Renaissance Astrology



100 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

The common Ground between in-depth astrology and quantum physics…

Well, well, well…the word is at last getting around that quantum physics and in-depth astrology may actually in different ways be describing the same underlying Ground….thanks to Courtney Roberts Conrad for this fascinating article:

The Solar System

The Solar System

Roberts concludes her article thus:

“The Kepler Conference is a driving force in this astrological Research Revolution, pressing forward with the post-modern, evidence-based, big data version of what astrologers have been trying to do all along.  When you consider all the potential good uses for reliable astrological information, maybe the stars are finally aligning for astrology!

Let’s all go next year, shall we?!!



100 words copyright Anne Whitaker/Courtney Roberts Conrad 2016

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page