Tag Archives: Sagittarius

Mars through Pisces…how was it for you?

The planet Mars entered the sign of Pisces on 12th January 2015. It is due to exit on 20th February 2015, entering its own sign of Aries. Boy, will I be glad! It has been a very mixed, pretty tough month and I would be most interested to hear how any of my readers/Followers have fared.

Mars enters Pisces

Mars enters Pisces

It should be obvious to anyone with some knowledge of astrology that Mars, the planet of energy and direct action, is not best placed in watery, subtle, diffuse, imaginative, dreamy and artistic Pisces.

Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, has been slowly traversing that sign, which it first entered in April 2011. It is currently at 6 degrees of Pisces. Saturn changed signs on 23rd December 2014, entering Sagittarius, beginning a long dance in square aspect to Neptune which will not separate until the end of December 2016. It is currently occupying 4 degrees of Sagittarius. Chiron, the planetoid signifying healing and wounding, is half way through Pisces, sitting currently at 15 Pisces.

Mars enters Aries

Mars enters Aries

So – as Mars began his watery journey, he made an exact square to Saturn on 16th January, a conjunction to Neptune on 19th January, crossed the Neptune/Chiron midpoint on 24/5  January, and Chiron on 1st/2nd February.

Anne W's Horoscope

Anne W’s Horoscope

In my horoscope, Mars was transiting the 6th House of work and health, crossed my Pisces Descendant, and is currently travelling through the Seventh House of relationships. I never cease to be amazed and moved at how the currents of shifting energy in our solar system, plotted and explicated by the planets, flow like tides, bearing our lives along with them, bringing us delights and challenges, pains and pleasures with every breaking wave.

Here in brief is how I have been faring. I hope some of you will share your experiences, thoughts, and insights too.

Mars entered Pisces and I began a bout of intermittent insomnia which lasted until Mars crossed and passed Chiron early in February. On the day Mars entered Pisces, I had the great pleasure of moving – with my seafaring brother’s help! – into a lovely new office which is now my Twelfth House retreat in which I hope to write my next book.

With Mars applying in square to Saturn, I was foolish enough to attempt to buy a digital overhead projector for my new office (from which I will also be teaching.) This produced a long series of thwartings of byzantine proportions, during which I failed to acquire the projector from one place, easily located it in another, bought it, then had to return it as unsuitable on the very day that the Mars /Saturn square was exact. Moral of this story? You are an astrologer! Don’t you ever look at your Ephemeris?

I usually get very angry with something/someone when Mars crosses my Pisces Descendant. This occurred on Saturday 24th of January, when we went to see an opera by a well-known composer, which I hated so much I left half way through and went home early. Note in my diary:” hatred, fear, and loathing of women still alive and well in the psyche of 21st century Western male composer…”

I then contracted a bacterial infection which took two lots of  reluctantly consumed) antibiotics to shift and gave me headaches every other day, causing me to feel low in energy and pretty dispirited for a few days.

And – with Mars in the 7th House, I re-connected with an old friend I hadn’t seen for several years, who came to visit in the new office. Also, I arranged with a friend I have known over 20 years, to sublet a day a week from me at a much reduced day rate, thereby aiding her in setting up her therapy practice and helping to cover part of my rent.

Apart from all that, it was a very quiet month…!!


  • 600 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2015

    Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page



2015’s first Guest Post: from Emerging Pattern…” Fear – Saturn transiting Sagittarius”

Emerging Pattern writes eloquent, thoughtful posts which truly put flesh on the bones of astrological symbolism. Here, she writes about the changes in her life wrought by the recent shift of Saturn into Sagittarius. Saturn has recently crossed my 29 Scorpio IC ( EP and I share an IC/Mercury link! ) – beginning a long transit through my 4th House: I am busy re-structuring my working life by moving my astrology, counselling and teaching practice into a lovely new office, right next to a favourite local park. So – I’ve been too busy these first weeks of 2015 to post on this blog. I am more than happy to share a fellow astrology blogger’s insights in the meantime. Enjoy this post – and have a trawl round some of the other perceptive astrology posts on Emerging Pattern’s blog. I’ll be back soon!

Anne W's new office

Anne W’s new office

Questing fire meets creative fire: exploring Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter is now settling into in the sign of Leo from 16th July 2014 – 11 August 2014.  To read the first of my series of articles exploring various facets of this lively spell of planetary “weather”, click on What is the Jupiter Cycle?

When questing, philosophical fire – Jupiter – dons the clothing of fun-loving, dramatic, look-at-me, creative fire – Leo: what  could be the result? Over the next year, we will all find out! 

Jupiter in Leo

Jupiter in Leo natally

Here are a few well- known examples of people born with Jupiter in Leo: Bjorn Borg, one of the world’s most successful tennis players. Ian Fleming, author of the famous James Bond spy novels,  known for being a bon viveur and womaniser. Simone de Beauvoir, one of the earliest feminist writers and lifelong partner of philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre. Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund and eminent child psychoanalyst in her own right.

Edward Kennedy, member of a famous American family and well-known politician, not known for restraint in his personal habits.… Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft and one of the world’s greatest philanthropists. Alan Leo, famous Victorian astrologer who invented mass-market astrology. Pope John Paul the Second, the most widely-travelled pope in history. 

Broad brush strokes – and first principles

Not everyone is born with the exuberant, restless planet Jupiter in Leo, the most playful, creative sign of the zodiac. However, we all have Leo somewhere in the twelve houses of our natal horoscope. It’s important to stress that in a general article like this, one can only offer broad brush strokes of what this exuberant energy will bring to the highlighted house or houses through which Jupiter will be journeying over the coming year.

I will be looking at some of the possible ways in which Jupiter will be lighting up those highlighted houses – hopefully with some more examples from readers! – in the next article in this series. One of the many gifts offered by astrological knowledge is this: used wisely, it can help us to set our sails, metaphorically,  to the prevailing winds of our lives. 

For now, in preparing to reflect on what this particular transit may bring for us personally, it’s a good idea to return to first principles, to consider the archetypal core of the energies we are contemplating.

It’s always worth remembering that from the core or root, many branches arise. So it’s always more creative and constructive, in my opinion, to pay most attention to those core meanings – and to align oneself with them as best we can when considering what transiting planets might bring into life at any given time.

We can never quite know what branches will manifest: this is down to an interaction between the essential nature of those energies which are currently ‘live’ in our lives, our levels of consciousness, self-awareness, the choices we make – and the x factors in life which no-one can ever predict with reliable accuracy….

Having said this, let’s look at the core principles of the Jupiter in Leo combination, bearing in mind that the planet is always the key driving force, with the sign its particular “tone”, colouring or clothing.

Jupiter - the Great Benefic

Jupiter – the Great Benefic

Jupiter, the “Great Benefic”

Astrological Jupiter is known as “the great benefic”, the planet  bringing opportunity: personal wealth, political prominence, high social position, professional success – “kingship” of various kinds as befitted mythological Jupiter’s role as king of the Olympian gods. As  Charles Harvey puts it in “Orpheus” : (i)

“ he was seen as the greatest good and his blessings were everywhere invoked. No one can doubt that his message of life, vitality, hope, growth, optimism, faith and the call to meaning are profoundly desirable.”   

Psychologically, though, all forms of over-confidence, inflated sense of one’s own importance, arrogance and hubris were also assigned to the realm of Jupiter. These represent the shadow side of Jupiter’s undoubted blessings of robust faith in life’s essential value and goodness, the longing to know and to grow in wisdom, and the ability to have fun and inspire other people.

The restless drive to grow, to expand, to live a life rich in meaning, to push the boundaries of knowledge and experience as far as possible, lies at the core of astrological Jupiter. So does its shadow: restlessness which cannot and will not accept the limits set by age and time – Saturn’s domain…

Thus Jupiter’s energy brings great force, vitality and optimism. But watch out for its shadow, as set out above! There is always a tendency to overdo things with Jupiter: spending, eating, sex, consumption of drugs and alcohol, and generally “biting off more than one can chew”. 




The three fire signs: Aries the first sign of the zodiac, Leo the fifth, and Sagittarius the ninth, represent in essence an arising, development, and focus of the life force. Mars-ruled Aries is raw, primal energy, effective but not very subtle. (Sorry, Aries people! No offence meant…) In Sun-ruled Leo, the energy is settling, looking for creative outlets. And in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s own sign, it is time to pull the energies of the zodiacal journey into a framework of meaning (Please don’t stay on that soapbox too long, Sagittarius!) .

Thus Leo is self-consciously aware of its specialness, its gifts (time to be rude to Leos now: ‘ok, you’re special – but not THAT special! ‘ note: I’m allowed to say this, with my embarrassing number of planets in Leo…) and in order to flourish and to grow, needs to be encouraged and allowed to shine, to contribute something unique.

Leonine creativity doesn’t necessarily need to operate in the obvious creative arts, although it often does: drama and performance art, writing, painting and graphics, dance, musical composition, making beautiful objects e.g. jewellery, are just a few of the obvious outlets.

But  rearing stable and happy children, being a warm and loving partner and/or friend, shining Leo warmth and exuberance wherever one works, plays, and socialises: these are also wonderful ways of making people feel better, feel special themselves, as Leo shares that sunlit energy with the wider world. 

Bringing the two together

Jupiter in Leo creates a bright, strong flame. This demands – and at best, ensures – that the person in whose life such a torch is lit bears it into new, creative endeavours which are not only life-affirming, but also productive of an enlarged perspective: both for the person bearing the torch, and for those illuminated by the light. 

In collective life, which is usually less controllable than one’s personal domain, this energy can spill over and become destructive rather than illuminating. As I write this in late July 2014, with Jupiter establishing itself in Leo, we are currently witnessing in several world contexts the dreadful consequences of  polarised positions where both sides are convinced they are in the right – and more literally, of the destructive use of firepower.

In individual life, how this flame works depends on the whole set-up of a person’s horoscope. But in the general terms of this article, as we have seen, the flame brings great potential for creative development and for understanding more deeply what being a creative person in the world means, as well as opportunities coming one’s way to bring that about. 

Personal examples

As I write this, an image arises of a room full of astrology students, one moment laughing as their Leo teacher (me!) entertains them, another listening intently as the sheer magic and mystery of what astrological symbolism can reveal, penetrates their hearts and fires their imagination. I had to give up all my teaching and indeed all my work, at the end of 2001. Although I had largely recovered by 2008 and resumed part-time work in 2012, I never thought I’d teach again.

Now, as the New Moon in Leo backs up Jupiter’s entry into Leo, preparing to cross all my Leo planets (not telling you how many – but fortunately they are mostly in the Twelfth House!) over the next year, I am planning to set up and run a small refresher astrology class at the request of some of my ‘old’ students. That educational urge, along with the urge to entertain and perform, is proving irresistible as Jupiter moves into Leo, shining its light first on my eleventh house, the house of group activity and collective action. In my small way, I hope to make a bright and illuminating contribution.

I hope also to receive some more feedback on how my readers are experiencing the early entry of Jupiter into Leo. In the meantime, here is some brilliant, very illustrative feedback sent to me by a friend and fellow astrologer, extracted from an email she sent to a friend of hers. Jupiter in Leo, 12 years ago, was transiting her first house, and making a square (challenging aspect) to her Mercury: 

 “… I’ve been in a strange state of mind for a while now. Not bad, just strange. In fact quite positive really, I think – very much as if my brain has gone into overload – I’m always reading (usually 3 or 4 books at the same time) and writing and thinking about stuff, and researching stuff… it’s bizarre. And all sorts – astrology, archaeology, history, metaphysical, philosophy, occult stuff…. all sorts… constantly buzzing around in my head. It’s strange because I’m so hyped with it all that I can’t sleep at night – my head just keeps on going! Very wired….So my brain may explode really soon!!!! Aaaaargh! Still…. I’m never bored!!…”

I love this feedback. Says it all, really, about the combination of Jupiter, Leo, Mercury, and the first house…


Jupiter is expansive, buoyant and also excessive, so whilst enjoying its energy charge, try not to overdo it! I need to take my own advice! This is the second article generated by Jupiter’s entry into Leo. Last time I discussed the 11-12-year Jupiter Cycle. This time it’s been Jupiter in Leo. I’d like next time to spend some time exploring the effects of Jupiter in Leo through the houses, then follow that by checking out the repeating 12-year Jupiter through Leo cycle. This could go on for a whole year! See what I mean about excess? 



i) Charles Harvey from ‘ War of the Worlds : Jupiter & Saturn,’ essay  in  Orpheus -Voices in Contemporary Astrology (Consider, 2000) pp 103-4


Here is the third article in the Jupiter series: 




1800 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2014
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Ophiuchus – is there a thirteenth sign?

Sheilagh’s Question: Who the heck is Ophiuchus?

I’m surprised you’ve never heard of the constellation of Ophiuchus, Sheilagh. Ever since I’ve been an astrologer, every few years when they have nothing better to do, the media decide to indulge in a bit of Sun Sign astrology-bashing.They announce that astrology has been totally discredited by the existence of a thirteenth sign, ie Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer.

Here is a fairly mild offering: ( note the misspelling of Sagittarius….) http://newsfeed.time.com/2011/01/13/ophiuchus-what-all-saggitarius-and-capricorns-need-to-know-about-their-new-zodiac/

Now, here are some astronomical facts:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ophiuchus

Ophiuchus is one of thirteen constellations that cross the ecliptic. It has therefore been called the ’13th sign of the zodiac’. However, this confuses sign with constellation.

The signs of the zodiac are a twelve-fold division of the ecliptic , ie the 360 degree great circle in the heavens against which the planets are plotted in their orbital paths.Each sign spans 30° of that great circle, approximately the distance the Sun travels in a month, and (in the Western tradition) is aligned with the seasons so that the March equinox falls on the boundary between Aries and Pisces.

Constellations, on the other hand, are unequal in size and are based on the positions of the stars. The constellations of the zodiac have only a loose association with the signs of the zodiac, and do not in general coincide with them. In Western astrology the constellation of Aquarius, for example, largely corresponds to the sign of Pisces. Similarly, the constellation of Ophiuchus occupies most of the sign of Sagittarius.

 So now you know!

AND – New visitors and Followers out there! Do drop by with your observations….. and, of course,  your Questions….on any astrological topic.



250 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2013

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page of Writing from the Twelfth House