Tag Archives: mundane astrology

Saturn Pluto is on the march…fasten your seat belts!

A recurring theme in recent talks with colleagues and students has been the powerful impact on our collective and personal lives of the current transit of Jupiter through Scorpio, currently sextiling Scorpio’s ruler Pluto in Capricorn, potentised by Saturn’s recent entry into his own sign of Capricorn – and the start of his long march toward the 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction. We can already feel the exacting challenges of the latter combination beginning to build. 

As well as deep, long-standing institutional corruption of various kinds including sexual and financial being dredged, confronted and exposed, there seems to have been an outbreak of a greater sense of collective responsibility regarding how we are treating one another, and our planet. Here are just a couple of examples, from the UK:

The UK’s series “Blue Planet Two – oceans of wonder” fronted by that venerable and influential national treasure the 91 year old Sir David Attenborough, has been shown to huge audiences worldwide pricking our collective consciences into action regarding the damage plastic is doing to our oceans. Also in the UK, a minister for Loneliness has been appointed to co-ordinate attempts to tackle more effectively that scourge of modern living.

This upcoming January 2020 Saturn/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn – Saturn’s home sign – offers a strong earth/water signal as we move toward the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in Aquarius at the end of 2020. We are being challenged to clean up our act in relation to our home planet, and behave with more integrity toward one another as a human community – or face the consequences.

We are moving from an emphasis on  planetary exploitation which characterised the Industrial Revolution and the whole materialist culture arising, to one of global social development – that of ideas, information, communication, and relationships – expedited by technology, for the coming 200 years or so.

So, despite the tough times we are living through and Saturn/Pluto’s upcoming challenges, I feel optimistic on the whole about the new order being birthed in the turmoil of ending, although we baby-boomers will likely not live to see it.

Pondering on Saturn/Pluto and its challenges – a topic of especial interest to me since I was born under an exact combination of those two and am still here (as far as I know…) – reminded me of a column I wrote for the UK’s Astrological Journal a while ago, which described a striking incident evoking Saturn/Pluto. Here it is:

‘…Something oddly unsettling happened to me on 1st June 2016. Not a surprise, you might say, with the Sun that day conjunct Mercury in Gemini square Jupiter in Virgo square Saturn in Sagittarius square Neptune in Pisces – all churning between 10-15 degrees of the Mutables: my Asc/Desc plus Mercury tossed and turned within this restless brew.

I was peacefully preparing some notes for an especially interesting-looking client booked in for that afternoon. I like noting when clients’ progressed planets change signs, or turn retro/direct, as their life pattern unfolds.This offers good material for enlightening contemplation and discussion. But it’s not something you can quickly and easily do using a computer.

So – I reached for my 20th century Midnight Ephemeris, turned to the 1990s, and made an unpleasant discovery. Someone had torn out pages from the 1990s. But not random pages. The whole of 1993 and 1994. Nothing else was damaged.

There were two possibilities, given that I had purchased this ephemeris second hand on moving into my current office in January 2015. One – someone with keys to my office had come in and torn out specific pages at some point in the last year or so. (You’d never spot my MercurySaturnPluto line-up here, surely…)

Or two – the more credible – whoever sold the ephemeris had hated those two years so much that he/she had taken their revenge via this act of Mercurial vandalism. It was odd, however, that I had not noticed the damage earlier…

What to do, now that I had a maimed ephemeris? Every client from now till forever, I thought, is BOUND to be born in the 1990s or have key life events happening then which require close symbolic examination and elucidation. With the passage of decades, one becomes fully cognisant of Sod’s frequently malign intentions …

Whilst reluctantly concluding, therefore, that a new ephemeris was probably required, a sudden memory lit up my grumpy, puzzled, somewhat paranoid mental processes. During the 1990s, I had made up my own ephemeris for each year. Perhaps I could use two of those to cover the missing years? Had those ephemerides survived one of my periodic purges?

They had! Their distinctive, colourful covers impressed me. How arty I was, briefly, in the 1990s… included with the photocopied ephemeris pages were lined sheets of yellow paper for notes; these were full of astrological significators linked with personal and mundane events for 1991 to 1996. Why had I stopped then? No idea…

A morning was spent browsing through those notes, focusing especially on the two missing years of 1993-4; what a harrowing read! Staggering out semi-traumatised into gorgeous sunshine, I restored balance by basking outside my favourite boho cafe. Sipping delicious coffee and feasting on sandwiches followed by jammy creamy fruit scones, I reflected on our –fortunately – well-developed capacity to forget grim events. How unpleasant and upsetting it is to be reminded.

These were awful, turbulent times: not only at a macro level, but also in our small personal worlds…many of us ‘plugged in” to the same degrees as the major planetary patterns of those years suffered very considerably. I often found myself talking to clients about family traumas which in many cases closely mirrored my own.

From my notes, January 1993 “…the start of a momentous year, with a triple conjunction of Uranus/Neptune at 18/19 degrees Capricorn in February, August and October, AND a triple meeting between Saturn in Aquarius square Pluto in Scorpio from 24-27 degrees of their respective signs in March and October 1993, then January 1994…world situation incredibly unstable, turbulent and cruel throughout 1992 as exactitudes approached…”

The notes went on to describe planetary links to major oil spills, earthquakes, mudslides, volcanic eruptions…and that was just January and February 1993! There followed, as many of us will remember, ongoing IRA bombings on the UK mainland, the first attack on the World Trade Centre, attempts to stop a genocidal war in the Balkans, and horrific genocide in Ruanda…Worth quoting, from the UK’s ‘Sunday Times’ on 22/8/93, two days after the second exact Uranus/Neptune conjunction:

“Islamic fundamentalism, if it remains unchecked, could destabilise Egypt, Sudan, Africa, Middle East – the whole world community…” Grimly prescient.

I now understood why that mysterious reader had torn out 1993 and 1994. Feeling very reflective, and grateful that life had eventually reached calmer waters in recent times, I headed off home. There in the mail was a letter: the first for many years from a close relative – from whom I was forced to cut off contact in 1993/4.

As a famous scientist once observed, life is not only stranger than we suppose. It is stranger than we CAN suppose…’



This post was first published as my 8th Not the Astrology Column in the July/August 2016  Issue of the UK’s Astrological Journal, edited by Victor Olliver.


20th Century Ephemeris


1200 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2018

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Mars opposes Pluto: feeling the burn…

Well, are you feeling it? I certainly am. 

My 10th House Mars return took place just after Mars entered Cancer on 5th June 2017, a few days after the most recent terrorist atrocity in London on 3rd June, and not long before the appalling fire disaster at Grenfell Tower in London on 14th June 2017. As I write, Mercury at 18 degrees Cancer  is exactly opposite Pluto at 18 degrees Capricorn. Mars opposes Pluto on Sunday 2nd July 2017.

I don’t know about you, but as I contemplate the UK’s Moon at 19 degrees of Cancer in the nation’s 10th House about to be exactly opposed by transiting Pluto through the UK’s 4th house, I am anticipating more burning, of a literal or a metaphorical kind, not just in the UK or the USA, but in other parts of the world. The Mars/Pluto combination is not called the War Monger for nothing…

A mood of public anger has been very evident in the UK recently and is growing, as Mercury, Mars and lastly the Sun travel through Cancer, amplified by Jupiter squaring them all in the middle degrees of Libra – and by the upcoming full moon on 9th July 2017 at 17 degrees Capricorn. Anger re our recent shambolic general election, terrorist attacks, and that terrible fire disaster, are the most recent flashpoints for UK citizens’ rage.

Crumbling institutions’ incapacity to meet the needs of the communities they are supposed to be serving is not just a local but a worldwide problem. How must many of our USA friends be feeling, for example, regarding the prospect of having their healthcare removed? Just have a look at Facebook and Twitter and you will find out.

I have been sharing in this public mood: not normally given to ranting about the state of the world in general or our national politics in particular, in recent days I have been doing just that. No doubt having been in London on the weekend of the most recent terror attack there has helped to wind up my anger.

But the other morning’s local news tipped me over into taking that anger onto Facebook, something I do not usually do. Some of you will know of our local successful Children’s Wood’s campaign –with international support, thanks! – to keep developers off one of the last bits of wild land in the city, well used by all sectors of our community including 22 local schools. That morning I found out that a local well-loved and well-used Scout Hall in Kelvindale near where we live is to be cleared at the end of the summer, along with tree-rich land next to it, to make way for developers.The community is fighting this. Good for them!!



photo: Anne Whitaker

Pluto’s long transit of Capricorn from 2008-2024, aided by revolutionary Uranus in hot-tempered Aries,  is slowly doing its work of battering on the doors of all established structures and taking them down.  No wonder we are all feeling insecure, battered and bruised by the turmoil and disruption going on – which has hit so many of our fellow citizens across the world so brutally and with so much destruction.

As our sclerotic, archaic institutions are increasingly unable to cope with the modern world in which we are actually living, community power is becoming the way forward in so many areas of contemporary life.

In this, I have been getting a strong flavour of the upcoming Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, due to take place in 2020 at 0 degrees of Aquarius. Pluto heads into that community-oriented sign by 2024.The upcoming generations are busy laying the foundations for a new world order, centred on our world community thanks to the rise and dominance of the Internet.

Pluto was last in Capricorn from 1762 to 1778, the time when the foundations of a world-wide economy predicated upon material exploitation of the planet’s natural resources including many of its people, were laid. That era’s days, the days of Big Oil etc, are numbered….Let’s hope that what replaces it is an era of fairer sharing of the Earth’s increasingly diminishing resources, more international co-operation…and less bloodshed.

In the meantime, back to our  currently especially energised, turbulent, stroppy, anger-charged personal lives. ( I’ve been having a trawl round comments on Facebook in recent days. This energy field has been burning up lots of us in various challenging ways.) Wherever in your horoscope Mercury, then Mars opposes Pluto at present and in the upcoming week, that pair of houses is where you will be ‘feeling the burn’.

Here is a live example: a friend of mine is making a train journey of several hours’ duration to come and visit us here in Glasgow. As I am writing this post, with Mercury exactly opposite Pluto today, she has just texted to say her train has been cancelled, and there is no word as yet re exactly how she and her fellow passengers are supposed to get here.

Do let me know how it goes with you – and try to channel that energy and anger as best you can in the week ahead.

850 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page


Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024: some thoughts on a major step in ‘boldly go’-ing…

There I was two days ago, lying in a heap in bed, listening to the early morning news, slowly coming round, hand clutching a cup of tea. Situation normal in our house, of a morning. Then my ears pricked up. 

According to BBC Radio 4,  the first stone of the Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) had been ceremoniously laid only the previous day – on May 26, 2017. The ELT is an astronomical observatory and the world’s largest optical/near-infrared extremely large telescope now under construction. Part of the European Southern Observatory (ESO), it is located on top of Cerro Armazones in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. (2)

Along with – probably – countless others like me (and not a few fellow astrologers, I bet!)  not coming from a scientific background but with a lifelong interest in science, I had been following the progress of this project with great interest.

The ELT will tackle   ‘…the biggest scientific challenges of our time, and aim for a number of notable firsts, including tracking down Earth-like planets around other stars in the “habitable zones” where life could exist — one of the Holy Grails of modern observational astronomy.

It will also perform ”stellar archaeology” in nearby galaxies, as well as make fundamental contributions to cosmology by measuring the properties of the first stars and galaxies and probing the nature of dark matter and dark energy. On top of this astronomers are also planning for the unexpected — new and unforeseeable questions will surely arise (my emphases) from the new discoveries made with the ELT. The ELT may, eventually, revolutionise our perception of the Universe, much as Galileo’s telescope did, 400 years ago…’ (1)

Approval for this stunning project came through on 11 June 2012,  with construction work on the site starting in June 2014.  By December 2014, over 90% of the total funding had been secured. The first stone of the telescope was ceremoniously laid on May 26, 2017. (2)

Pluto direct into Aquarius

Pluto direct into Aquarius

Now – here is the bit that made me sit bolt upright, almost spilling my tea:

First light, ie the first use of a telescope (or, in general, a new instrument) to take an astronomical image after it has been constructed,  is currently planned for  – 2024(2)

( July 2022 further note: this date given in 2017 was subsequently revised: “…As of 2021, first light is planned for 2027.[11]…”)

Pluto fully enters Aquarius in 2024 after dipping in and out of that sign during its slow exit from Capricorn in 2023/4.The two statements ‘… probing the nature of dark matter and dark energy…’ and ‘… planning for the unexpected — new and unforeseeable questions will surely arise…’ could hardly be more appropriate summaries of the essence of this momentous planetary shift of the most symbolically powerful, transformative planet Pluto into Aquarius: the most scientifically oriented, unpredictable, revolutionary sign of the zodiac.

2027, the revised date for the ELT’s ‘first light’, is three years after Pluto’s entry into Aquarius. I have usually found in my personal work with clients, eg in the 30 year Saturn Return cycle, that it takes 2/3 years following the actual point of the planet’s return for the big shifts in their lives to take clear shape. It is fascinating to note that in the completion of a monthly Sun/Moon cycle in the heavens, which takes place in the dark, it takes around 2/3 days for the first waxing crescent of the new soli-lunar cycle to become clearly established in the night sky. It may well be that all the larger cycles, and major planetary shifts from one sign to another, in years, mirror that ‘ordinary’ monthly soli-lunar pattern…this certainly appears to be the case with the revised date for the ELT’s first light.

I think I’ve just had a new idea for a mundane astrology research project!!

This entry of Pluto into Aquarius represents a major stage in a lengthy process of radical change for our world which I summarised very briefly in a recent post on this blog:

‘…Next up, Pluto shifts from Capricorn into Aquarius in 2024, beginning a long trine aspect to the 1892 Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini. More air. The next Uranus/ Neptune conjunction, in 2165, will take place in early Aquarius, their first meeting in the air element for a thousand years. 

Thus, since 1980, when the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 5-8 Libra  entered the air element for the first time since its last entry in the twelfth century A.D, we have been moving gradually into an air-dominated era, with the sign of Aquarius in high focus. We are moving from an emphasis on material development and planetary exploitation  which characterised the Industrial Revolution and the whole materialist culture arising, to one of global social development – that of ideas, information, communication, and relationships – expedited by technology, for the coming 200 years or so….’ (3)

By now, I was fully awake, excited – and once again awestruck by the powerful symbolic links between major steps taken in the human project for good or ill – usually both!! – and major planetary shifts. The first light of the Extremely Large Telescope in 2027 is just one bright strand in what will be a complex and intricate weave of all kinds of profound changes from 2024 onwards, which will usher in a radically different world from the one into which we Baby-Boomers were born… let’s hope the upcoming generations make a more constructive job of it than we have done.



(1) http://www.eso.org/public/unitedkingdom/about-eso/faq/faq-elt/#4


(3) https://astrologyquestionsandanswers.com/category/some-thoughts-on-millennials/


700 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Exploring Jupiter/Uranus, Take Two: shades of the future…

I’m continuing to pay tribute to that set of great zodiacal disrupters, Jupiter and Uranus, as the current opposition during 2017 forms a T-square with Pluto, dark lord of the Underworld – challenging us both collectively and in our personal lives with mayhem and disturbance on a grand scale. 

Disruption, disruption, disruption...

Disruption, disruption, disruption…

To read the first of my series of three posts on Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions, click HERE to follow this uniquely challenging conjunction through its 3,000 years’ travel through the four elements – AND obtain a free download of my research studies on the 1997/8 and 2010/11 conjunctions, “Jupiter Meets Uranus”.

Take Two: the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius

In “Jupiter Meets Uranus” I made a strong case for the conjunction in Aquarius being “the one most powerfully connected to particularly radical and disruptive social, political and technological shifts”.(pp 47-52) I then returned to examining the Big Picture from 500 BCE to 2500 CE for a second time, creating a table on this occasion which revealed the number of these Aquarian conjunctions throughout each 500 year block. My results were very, very interesting.

The time block which had the most Aquarian conjunctions, ie 7, was 1500 – 2000 CE:  “the most innovative, expansive, technologically sophisticated and disruptive in human history!” (p.37)

The runner-up for the most conjunctions in Aquarius was 0–500 CE, with 6. This time roughly spans the period of the rise, dominance and fall of another highly sophisticated technological civilisation already mentioned: the Roman Empire.

And the 500 years with the fewest Aquarian conjunctions? There was only one Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius from 1000 to 1499 CE, roughly spanning the time known as the Dark Ages in Europe, which included the Black Death which wiped out a third of the population in the fourteenth century.

Perhaps rather worryingly, in the three millennia I surveyed the only other period with one Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius lies ahead – between 2000 and 2500 CE at 2 degrees Aquarius in 2080. This is the last of these Aquarian conjunctions for another 677 years.

What will this mean? Well, it is so far into the future that any speculation of more than a very general nature is probably foolhardy – and likely to be wrong. We could be pessimistic, looking at the other period in 3,000 years with only one conjunction ie 1000-1499 CE and becoming very gloomy indeed regarding our prospects for long-term survival.

On the other hand, this could indicate an era in which, having pushed the potential of technological innovation to its limits, we are gradually returning to a simpler, less technologically driven way of inhabiting our planet: a time in which we are more respectful of the essential inter-connectedness of all life forms, and more aware of  our role as stewards rather than exploiters, of our precious Mother Earth.

What do YOU think?





500 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page



My desert island books…with a nod to Jupiter/Uranus

Were I allowed three books on my Desert Island, next to Carpentry for Dummies would nestle two astrology books. One, Michelsen’s 21st Century Ephemeris, the other, Michelsen’s Tables of Planetary Phenomena.

My fascination with planetary cycles began in the early 1980s – during a lecture by the late Charles Harvey. Until that time Mundane astrology was unknown to me. I was still grappling to develop fluency with the absolute basics.

The idea that energy tides running through the cosmos could be mapped and explicated simultaneously both in terms of individuals’ lives and wider socio- political processes gripped me immediately. Long before studying astrology I had spent far too much time wondering about, and reading around ‘What are we tiny specks of sentient matter doing here amidst the Vastness?’ : a question most sensible folk prefer to ignore if possible. 

After discovering Mundane, I kept an eye on what was going on in the world with an Ephemeris in one hand – Michelsen’s, of course!

Having begun teaching astrology classes in the mid 1980s, I attempted to infect even my most solipsistic students with enthusiasm for Mundane. One approach was to collect press cuttings and pictures on those special occasions of planetary ingresses into new signs.

Saturn’s entry into Pisces in May 1993 yielded a stunning front page image of a cargo ship grounded on a sandbank in the English Channel. The day Pluto went into Sagittarius in January 1995 saw the Japanese city of Kobe go up in flames, struck by a huge earthquake. That same week, a photo appeared of Pope John Paul the Second preaching to over a million people in Manila.

By the late 1990s I had built up an extensive file. Unfortunately it is now somewhere in Belgrade (…another story…!)

However, the best was yet to come. In 1996 I became obsessed with the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Aquarius due on 16th February 1997. Jupiter and Uranus meet every fourteen years. When they do, revolution and innovation join forces with restless exploration and the quest for knowledge.The result is always exciting, educational and unpredictable. Or is it?

I set about testing astrological theory against events in individual and collective life, ending up writing a whole book, eventually published in 2009. The big event of the 1997 conjunction was, of course, the announcement to the world of Dolly, the first cloned sheep.

I collected volunteers whose horoscopes would be ‘zapped’ by that conjunction, setting the research into their personal lives during 1997-8 in the context of world affairs. I then had the bright and slightly mad idea of following the pulse beat of this conjunction throughout chunks of history.

My time periods were 500 BC-0 AD; 0-500 AD; 500-1000 AD; 1000-1500 AD; 1500-2000 AD; then 2000-2050. Those arbitrary ‘chunks’ roughly followed the pattern of the mighty 500 year Neptune/Pluto conjunctions, whose last two meetings took place in Gemini in 1398/9 and 1891/2.

None of this research would have been possible, of course, without Michelsen’s Tables of Planetary Phenomena. 

Tables of Planetary Phenomena

Using this brilliant reference book, I was able to construct tables of the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction’s travels: through the four elements of fire, air, earth, and water from 500 BC to 2000 AD, through an overview of its journey via the four elements by century 1700-2100. With specific reference purely to Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions in Aquarius, I plotted their movements from 500 BC right through to 2500 AD, focusing more narrowly on their progress through the four elements during the 20th Century.

This research, validating astrological theory, gave me a tremendous ‘buzz’, since it provided startling perspectives on human technological development during very long periods.

For example, there are two time blocks with more Jupiter/Uranus conjunctions in Aquarius than any other. One is during 0-500 AD, roughly coinciding with the rise, dominance and fall of the Roman Empire from the first Emperor, Augustus. The other is 1500-2000 AD, the beginning of the Renaissance and the great European voyages of discovery: the most rapid period of technological advance the human race has ever known.

Thank you, Neil F.Michelsen!



This post was first published as my first Not the Astrology Column in the July/August 2014 Issue of the UK’s Astrological Journal, edited by Victor Olliver, under the title “For love of Mundane astrology…and in praise of Neil F.Michelsen…”

My two research studies “Jupiter Meets Uranus”(second edition) and “The Moon’s Nodes in Action” can be downloaded as free e-books from this site.




700 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2017

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Some thoughts on Millennials…will they change the world for the better?

A Baby-Boomer comments on Millennials…how brave is that?!!  

But I also talk about planetary cycles…so it’s not ALL about them. My thanks go to astrologer Jessica Adams for our recent email conversation, which got my  braincell ticking on the ever-fascinating topic of the upcoming Millennial Generation.

As ever, let me know your thoughts!

I still recall with great clarity my first encounter with planetary cycles, in 1983. In the early days of a developing obsession with astrology, still grappling to acquire reasonable fluency with natal patterns, my focus – of necessity – was still limited to unlocking the complex symbolism of natal horoscopes. I had no idea that the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction at 6-9 Sagittarius that year, trining my 12th House Mercury from the Fourth House, was about to provide a wake-up call.


Charles Harvey

It came via a wonderful lecture on mundane astrology by the late, great Charles Harvey. “Time is the flowing Image of the Eternal…and the planets are the instruments of Time”, began Charles, quoting Plato’s ‘Timaeus’. That hour passed in seconds, or so it seemed. I was riveted. The idea that each horoscope is a unique ‘chip’ of the prevailing planetary pattern, which also symbolises the ebb and flow of collective and world affairs, was a revelation. Although no great expert in mundane astrology, my fascination with the great planetary cycles’ timing of the unfolding of collective and personal life, and their interweaving, has never waned.

The mighty Neptune/Pluto cycle of 500 years begins whole epochs: the most recent conjunction in the 1890s in Gemini began the Information Age. The Uranus/Neptune cycle of 172 years, from 2-3 Capricorn in 1821 to 18-19 Capricorn in 1993, produced seminal thinkers such as USA’s Transcendentalist philosopher Henry David Thoreau (1817-162) and Germany’s Karl Marx (1818-83), a political philosopher and writer whose socialist ideas changed the world.

Neptune longs for a new, perfect vision of how life could be; Uranus  breaks down the old order in ways never before envisaged, letting those new vistas take shape, paying little attention to the ensuing chaos. Those long cycles are change-makers, ensuring that nothing stays the same shape for long, either in our tiny personal lives or the patterns of the Big Picture.

The start of the last Uranus/Neptune meeting saw Karl Marx’s birth and growth to maturity. The fall of the Berlin wall in 1989, when Saturn joined the ending of that cycle and the seeding of the new one in 1993, saw the collapse of the Communist system birthed by Marx’s ideas.

Each generation bears its own stamp… The most recent Uranus/Neptune group began to appear with the applying conjunction in 1986 in late Sagittarius/early Capricorn, staying in range throughout the signs Capricorn and Aquarius until 1999. They are the ones now rising with the new Millennium, as we Pluto in Leo baby-boomers sink slowly into decrepitude and irrelevance…no doubt kicking and screaming as we go…

The Millennials are the future. So – what can they expect, and we expect from them, as the new world order recently birthed by Uranus/Neptune arises and takes shape? I wonder who will prove to be their Marx equivalent? I wonder who will be their Thoreau? Here are a few brief thoughts, which I hope will stimulate yours!


The 20 year Jupiter Saturn conjunctions, the “Great Chronocrators,” or Rulers of the Ages,  are ‘concerned with the formation of our sense of social purpose and direction, our quest for concrete achievements in the world’ (Greg Bogart). The next Jupiter Saturn conjunction in 2020, growing closer and closer in late Capricorn throughout that year, finally reaches exactitude at 0 Aquarius at the winter solstice. (The most recent one, at 23 Taurus in May 2000, was the last in the earth element for around 800 years).

Next up, Pluto shifts from Capricorn into Aquarius in 2024, beginning a long trine aspect to the 1892 Neptune/Pluto conjunction in Gemini. More air. The next Uranus/ Neptune conjunction, in 2165, will take place in early Aquarius, their first meeting in the air element for a thousand years. 

Thus, since 1980, when the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 5-8 Libra  entered the air element for the first time since its last entry in the twelfth century A.D, we have been moving gradually into an air-dominated era, with the sign of Aquarius in high focus. We are moving from an emphasis on material development and planetary exploitation  which characterised the Industrial Revolution and the whole materialist culture arising, to one of global social development – that of ideas, information, communication, and relationships – expedited by technology, for the coming 200 years or so.

This upcoming Uranus/Neptune generation, with its Capricorn/Aquarius mix, are a challenging bunch.They aren’t inclined to be gullible: Saturn’s influence – via his rulership of Capricorn and Aquarius –  sees to that. They like proof.

My 23 year old nephew, just finished a Politics degree, currently doing a Masters in Overseas Development, is very much like that. He is interested in astrology and very open-minded, but I have to present the subject to him with grounded clarity. I like that challenge! The young folks whose charts I have read are having to learn to dance on a wobbly board, as it were: Capricorn craves order, whilst Uranus is bored by it and Neptune loves to dissolve it, see what lies in the open spaces of spirituality and imagination.

This generation will thus be arriving at maturity as the energy patterns dominating collective life shift from an earth element base to an airy fundament. The dominant sign energy, as we have seen, will be airy, collective, revolutionary, idealistic Aquarius. We are already seeing the early brushstrokes of this upcoming era, with the fast rise of the Internet and social media over the last decade, and with it young people who are expert at surfing those new cultural waves.

Let’s hope this Millennial generation arising, then their children, will slowly create a new kind of global interconnectedness: perhaps, even, a way of living which is not rooted in the despoliation of Mother Earth…




950 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016

Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

The Moon’s Nodes, Pluto, Fate and the UK’s Brexit….

I have been having an interesting exchange on Facebook today, having Shared this link, a Brexit post-mortem in which, in an open memo to the outgoing British Prime Minister David Cameron, former Canadian High Commissioner to the UK, Jeremy Kinsman, describes in detail just how badly the Remain campaign failed. My introductory comment was “This does not miss, at all!”

The link and my comment elicited quite a few interesting and well-informed responses. Astrologer Tony Dickey , ably illustrating the old cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words, had this to say in reply: Neither does this”. The picture below, in astrological terms, posted by Tony, certainly says it all:

(click image to enlarge) 

David Cameron the UK, the Nodes - and Pluto

David Cameron, the UK, the Nodes – and Pluto

My response to the above bi-wheel chart, in which David Cameron’s horoscope at the centre is overlaid with the Brexit announcement’s chart on the outer rim, was as follows: “Thanks very much for this, Tony. The Moon’s Nodes/Pluto double link both by transit and natally, confirms the key result of my research into the Moon’s Nodes ie that the most fated time in anyone’s life is brought by the Moon’s Nodes/Pluto combination.” To which astrologer Cindy Chapelle replied: “Interesting, Anne, Have you read Jeffrey Wolf Green’s work on Pluto and the Nodes?”

I replied thus: “Yes, a very long time ago. What I did was test out the Nodal theories (ie  re the Moon’s Nodes) of various people in the actual realities of people’s everyday lives. You can download the research free from my blogs, or via astro.com where ‘The Moon’s Nodes in Action’ was featured last year.”

The above exchange, coming as it does just as I was planning to post a series on the conclusions of my Moon’s Nodes research on this blog, has prompted me to offer a taster, which is highly relevant to the symbolic interplay between David Cameron’s horoscope, the Brexit announcement, and the position of the North Node at this fated moment both in David Cameron’s life and the life of the UK. Here it is, edited from pp 156 and 157:

The Moon's Nodes in Action

The Moon’s Nodes in Action

“…My research has confirmed both the traditional view of the Nodes’ connection with birth, death and rebirth, and my own impressions gained over many years’ practice…

…It appears that some lives are more touched by the hand of Fate than others. It seems that strong outer planet links, especially Pluto’s conjunctions or squares to the natal Nodal axis, and strong prevailing major patterns eg Uranus conjunct Pluto opposite Saturn conjunct Chiron linked to the Nodes, bring some people a more challenging and Fate-directed life than others. Mary Shelley’s chart is a very good example of this, with Uranus, dispositor of Pluto conjunct MC, conjunct her Sun and square her Nodal axis.

I have distinguished between minor and major Nodal activity in transits and progressions, and demonstrated that the major effect is what appears to be present when turning points occur. This would suggest that in contemplating the unfolding picture of a person’s life, the combination of Nodal activity with the foreground presence of outer planets, especially Pluto, points out that something really special is going on and should be carefully noted….

…it is important to pay particular attention to that person’s natal Nodal pattern and the current Nodal/eclipse picture. The client is then likely to be bringing matters of a life-changing nature to us for discussion, which offers us roles both as observers and midwives; human agents in the here-and-now of those mysterious ‘watchers by the threshold‘ whose numinous presence in our lives is symbolically represented by the  Moon’s Nodes in Action…”

The most cursory of glances at Cameron’s chart at the time of the Brexit announcement vividly illustrates the validity of those conclusions, from a study conducted in the 1990s (when Cameron would not have been long out of university). There are multiple Pluto/Moon’s Node links, both natally and by transit.

It is also worth noting, chillingly, that a prominent, often angular Jupiter has been identified in the horoscopes of many Nazi leaders – it is also rising, conjunct Mars, in Tony Blair’s chart. Transiting Jupiter in the Brexit/Cameron biwheel is rising in the Twelfth House, conjunct the transiting North Node which itself is conjunct Cameron’s natal Pluto/Uranus.

This Jupiterian significator has been associated with prominent people, often ideologues, who are not only convinced (often against the advice of better informed and more pragmatic people) of their own rightness – but who are also prone to pushing their luck and thinking that they can get away with it.

The ancient Greeks had a word for this: hubris, the giving of god-like attributes to oneself. This usually led to a fall from great heights. Perhaps Mr Cameron should have read the myth of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun, and thought twice about calling that referendum which has split our country apart…


800 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page


Some thoughts on a possible second Scottish Referendum…an astrologer’s eye view

Scotland voted to stay in Europe by a substantial majority on Thursday 23rd June 2016, just as the UK as a whole voted to leave the European Union.

Scotland’s horoscope has very accurately been speaking of an inexorable momentum towards independence from the time Scotland got her own parliament on 6th May 1999. To read my analysis of our country’s horoscope, click HERE. The chart below (click to enlarge) shows in red where the transiting planets, Chiron and Moon’s Nodes were on referendum day, 18.9.14. The progressions are in green.

That 18.9.14 referendum, from a high turnout of 84%, produced a decisive 55% Yes vote in favour of Scotland remaining part of the UK, 45% No to Scotland separating from the UK– but the clamour for independence has not abated. And SNP party membership has rocketed in the two years since it was held.

However, as we know from the momentous news of 24.6.16, the UK as a whole is heading for the exit door in our relationship with Europe, and our nation is in turmoil, with both Labour and Tory parties in Westminster in utter disarray, and Scots, lead by the embodiment of Eris, the Battle Goddess, Nicola Sturgeon, contemplating yet another possible referendum.

Will this happen? And will we become independent? Below are just a few sketchy notes I made in the last couple of days, which have been getting a lot of attention on this blog’s Facebook Page. I thought I’d share them here. The horoscope below shows where the planets and progressions were in 18.9.14.

Scotland's Horoscope 18.9.14

Scotland’s Horoscope 18.9.14

But times have moved on, and the planets with them. Eris, the Goddess of Strife, currently at 23.5 degrees of Aries, is within 2° of Scotland’s natal Mars in 25 Aries in the Tenth House. Uranus crosses that Mars in May 2017, November 2017, and February/early March 2018. Are we looking at another Scottish Independence referendum between then and March 2018? I would not be surprised, given the current mood in Scotland … Even people who were against independence the first time round, are talking about changing their minds…

Note that Uranus will also be squaring Scotland’s 12th House Saturn in Cancer, the sign of home and belonging, during the next couple of years – a further indication of disruption and posssible separation – whilst Pluto is sitting currently in its most fated of places, the Moon’s North Node. ( c/f my research findings in ‘The Moon’s Nodes in Action’, downloadable for free from the left sidebar of this blog. Read the last chapter for what I have to say on Pluto combined with the Moon’s Nodes)

Whatever happens between May 2017 and March or April 2018, Mars in Aries in Scotland ‘s 10th house with the revolutionary, groundbreaking, defiant planet Uranus going over it, would seem to indicate radical change of one kind or another. However the action of planet Uranus is also volatile and unpredictable … so seatbelt fastening, once again, would appear to be in order. Watch this space!


400 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2014/2016
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page

Neptune Retrograde square Saturn…a meditation on the persistence of beauty…

Neptune turned retrograde on Monday 13th June 2016, at 12 degrees of its own sign of Pisces, making a second exact square with Saturn in Sagittarius on 18th June. The third and final square in this difficult planetary dance takes place at 10 degrees of their respective signs on 10th September 2016, after which the square gradually loses potency, reaching 10 degrees of separation by the end of 2016.

A great battle between order (Saturn) and chaos (Neptune)  has been raging since the end of 2015 in particular,  as mass migration of peoples – often by sea – fleeing wars and persecution at a level not seen since the end of the Second World War, has challenged European nations’ capacity to cope. With the gradual waning of the turbulent, violent, purgative years of  Uranus in Aries square Pluto in Capricorn, at the same time as the waning of  Saturn square Neptune,  we can only hope for more settled times ahead.

At a personal level, I’ve always found Saturn/Neptune aspects especially difficult. Some of us are better than others at dancing on a wobbly board suspended over the long drop into chaos! However, as always when the great planetary archetypes combine, the level at which we engage with the combination through our individual birth charts always carries a challenge to become more self-aware, more constructive in our engagement with the areas of life highlighted.

And – let us never forget that even the most difficult planetary combinations can manifest in startlingly positive experiences which can take our breath away.

This was certainly my experience on Monday 13th June 2016, the day Neptune turned direct approaching its exact square to Saturn. I have always been susceptible to the seductive beauty of art, sculpture in particular. On that day, I was with my husband in London. Having attended a most enjoyable Astrology Student Conference with two of my students, he and I were intent on a day together taking in some culture. We had booked tickets for an exhibition at the British Museum that morning. That exhibition turned out to be the most atmospheric, beautiful, awe-inspiring manifestation of the Saturn/Neptune combination I could possibly have imagined.

Sunken Cities Exhibition

Sunken Cities Exhibition

About 1,300 years ago two Egyptian cities, Thonis-Heracleion and Canopus, sank into the Mediterranean Sea. They’re still there, perfectly preserved. (As yet, only 5% of the vast undersea sites have been excavated.) They were inhabited not only by native Egyptians but also Greeks and Romans, and eventually Byzantine Christians. The cities were known from texts — Egyptian decrees, mythology and the writings of  Herodotus — but no one had actually seen them.

Then, two decades ago, underwater archaeologists began bringing up objects and artworks from the seabed. Some are enormous and weigh several tons. They included massive representations of human-shaped gods, deities in the form of animals, towering kings and queens, giant bearded heads of Greek gods, enormous pharaoh heads, black stone slabs with intensely intricate lines of hieroglyphs and stone coffins.

There were also domestic objects, coins, jewellery, incense burners and votive offerings. A selection is now part of this, the British Museum’s latest exhibition, which explores the complicated, rich culture over many centuries of the two cities.

Click HERE to see a brilliant video clip which gives at least some impression of the atmosphere of the exhibition, and the sheer scale of the underwater archaeology.

But our Neptune day wasn’t yet over! After an enjoyable visit to London’s wonderful Astrology Shop in Covent Garden run by the redoubtable Barry Street, we dropped by the National Gallery: to visit some favourite paintings, and just to marvel at the sheer scale and beauty of the building. Wandering with a truly international throng of spellbound art-lovers through room after room stocked with eight hundred years of amazing art, we were once again entranced.

Botticelli, Leonardo, Rembrandt, Canaletto, El Greco, Rubens, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Monet, Turner, Picasso…all our favourites and thousands more were there. Not reproductions: THE REAL THING.

We strolled back to our hotel, heads and hearts full of gratitude for being able to share such wonderful art and sculpture with  so many of our fellow citizens from all over the world. Neptune knows no boundaries of race, colour, creed – or artistic gifts. The day had been wonderful:a profound reminder that no matter how much ugliness, cruelty, destruction and evil there certainly is in the world, no-one can crush from the human soul our longing to connect with the Divine through meditation, prayer, music and all the Arts – “…beauty is truth, truth beauty,…” as poet John Keats put it so memorably.




800 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page


Some thoughts on retro Mars, Saturn – and Muhammad Ali

Well, folks, transiting Mars is retrograding over my Scorpio IC/South Node, transiting Saturn retro squares my Ascendant/Descendant whilst transiting Neptune hovers there. Jupiter in Virgo transiting the First House, opposing one of these and squaring the other,  is persecuting me with billowings of detail and admin which I can’t be bothered doing…I have a series of posts on the Nodes lined up, waiting to be edited, but can’t seem to get around to it.


In short, I am being incredibly, uncharacteristically, lackadaisical. 

Anyone else out there feeling like this? Don’t all of you rush to tell me at once. On second thoughts, my  guess is, you can’t be bothered. But never mind…Mars goes direct at the end of June, catching up with himself by 22nd August 2016. Saturn goes direct on 13th August, catching up with where HE left off by 20th November 2016. That interminable Saturn/Neptune square will make its last exact point on 10th September 2016 and start to wane thereafter.

So, by December 2016 we should all be demons of frantically focused forward motion. Or maybe we will all wait until the New Year…

Anyway, I thought I’d keep you informed and entertained by a fellow astrologer who, if  affected by the above, is not in nearly as bad a state as I am! On the day of Muhammad Ali’s passing last week, I asked my husband, who is not an astrologer, what he thought was The Greatest’s Ascendant.

“Leo – absolutely!” he replied. How right he was.

Here, whilst I get around to eventually regaining my bearings ( by next week, hopefully!)  is Christina at The Oxford Astrologer‘s fine analysis of the incomparable Ali’s horoscope. I’m sure you will enjoy and appreciate it.

Muhammad Ali: Leo Rising



300 words copyright Anne Whitaker 2016
Licensed under Creative Commons – for conditions see Home Page